Why is my RAM usage so high?

If your PC is running slow, it might be because its RAM usage is high. Sometimes, you may even get a warning that your computer is low on memory. When this happens, apps fail, and an error message pops up on your screen. But why is your RAM usage so high?

When your PC’s RAM, virtual memory, ROM, and cache usage becomes abnormally high, your PC will run slowly, and programs will fail. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons for using more RAM on a PC.

Reasons why your PC is using up too much RAM

RAM is a memory that temporarily holds information for the computer so that your CPU can access it quickly. When your computer’s RAM usage is high, it affects your computer’s performance and can damage it. Following are the common reasons why your PC is using up too much RAM.

Reason #1: Opening unnecessary programs

Every program you run on your computer uses a certain amount of RAM. The more programs you run on your PC, the more CPU it uses and the more RAM it uses. When you start a program but don’t close the program, it will continue to use your PC RAM. Therefore, you should always close any programs you are no longer using while working on your computer. Quitting too many unnecessary programs that you don’t use can skyrocket your computer’s RAM usage.

Reason #2: Auto Startup

There are programs on PC that will start automatically when you turn on your computer. Programs with this feature take advantage of this to create a smoother user experience. Although the idea behind autostart programs is great, they can take a toll on your RAM. So, go to such programs and disable auto startup so that they don’t start when you don’t need them.

Reason #2: Auto Startup

There are programs on PC that will start automatically when you turn on your computer. Programs with this feature take advantage of this to create a smoother user experience. Although the idea behind autostart programs is great, they can take a toll on your RAM. So, go to such programs and disable auto startup so that they don’t start when you don’t need them.

Cause #3: Hard drive fragmentation

Another thing that can potentially increase your RAM usage is disk fragmentation. Disk fragmentation occurs when pieces of files are scattered across your disk drive. These pieces of files can be from uninstalled apps, system files, browser files, etc. When files on your disk drive are fragmented, accessing and writing files becomes difficult which takes up CPU and RAM. You should defrag your hard drive to optimize it for best performance. Remember to restart your computer after defragmenting.

Cause #4: Disk file system corruption.

System errors can be caused by corrupt files, disk integrity corruption, bad sectors, file execution policies, etc. When there is a corruption in the system file on your disk drive, it can also cause your PC to use more RAM or CPU. You can quickly fix system errors by restarting your computer or using partition manager software like EaseUS Partition Master.

Reason #5: Low virtual memory

Some PCs can use virtual memory! Virtual memory uses part of a disk drive to act as part of your computer’s RAM. So, when RAM usage is high, the PC sends the least-used program to virtual memory.

Virtual memory isn’t as efficient as actual RAM, but it takes the strain off RAM. However, when virtual memory is low, more programs will have to be forced to close or pause. Meanwhile, you can solve this problem by increasing the virtual memory on your computer.

Reason #6: Superfetch

Superfetch or Sysmain is another thing that can cause your PC’s RAM usage to be so high. Superfetch loads the program you use most often into your RAM cache for quick launches. It’s like a feature that preloads the app you use most often. So, when you launch these programs, they open faster, making you feel like your computer is faster.

However, this feature affects your RAM and can lead to high RAM usage. If you find this feature unnecessary, you should disable it.

Reason #7: Registry hack

A registry hack should increase or improve the performance of your computer. But the truth is that registry hack can damage your PC RAM. If you have hacked your computer’s registry, it can cause high RAM usage. This is because your computer will have to take more actions to account for the registry hack.

So, while a registry hack can give you more access to your computer, it can damage your computer’s memory.

Reason #8: Low physical RAM

When your computer has less physical RAM, it can cause your RAM usage to be too high. If your computer does not have enough physical RAM and runs programs that require more RAM, your RAM usage will be high. In such a case, you should install more physical RAM.

Most PCs come with two RAM slots, so if you only have a RAM stick in one slot, you may want to consider installing a second slot. And if both slots have RAM, you might consider replacing both with more RAM of the same size.

Cause #9: NDU in registry

Network Diagnostic Usage (NDU) is another feature of your computer that can cause high RAM usage. NDU is a monitoring tool that helps detect new devices. So, with the help of NDU, your computer’s operating system can effectively communicate with your computer’s internal hardware.

While the NDU driver is helpful, disabling it can take some of the pressure off your PC’s RAM usage.

Reason #10: Viruses

Finally, viruses and malware can also cause your computer to use up too much RAM. A virus or malware on your PC causes the processor to overwork by loading it with unnecessary programs, thus consuming more RAM.

You can tell if your PC is infected with virus or malware by scanning it with an antivirus. Although your PC’s antivirus is effective to a certain extent, some viruses and malware may require a more advanced premium antivirus tool.

Final Thought:

When the RAM usage on your computer is high, you should consider trying to reduce it. Leaving your computer using too much RAM can cause it to overheat, which can damage many internal components. So, when your computer is getting slow, check the task manager to see what programs are currently running. If you don’t need the program, you should close it to free up space on your PC RAM.

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